Hi there!

I'm Yukun.


Yukun Yang (陽 玉堃)


I am a first-year Ph.D. student at the Network Science Institute, second-year Ph.D. student in Interdisciplinary Design and Media at Northeastern University working with Prof. Brooke Foucault Welles. My research interests widely across the fields of Communication, Information Science and Computational Social Science. Specifically, I study the collective and communicative practices on social media and how these acts uphold or challenge the dominant narratives, power hierarchies, and hegemonic ideologies, with a specific concentration on race and ethnicity..

Previously, I was a Data Scientist at the Center for Antiracist Research, Boston University. I obtained my master's degree in Information Science offered by the University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill and my bachelor's in Library Science from Northwest University, China. I am currently a Center for Information, Technology, and Public Life (CITAP) affiliate.

My Research Keywords in A Network #️⃣

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My Recent Updates

I was chosen by the paper track chairs to receive a best reviewer award for ASIS&T 2023!


Our paper about built environment, racial/ethnic topology, redlining, and helth outcome is accepted by JAMA Network Open! Public access coming soon!


My blog Indra's Net was online. I will post some analytical pieces of social media and computational social science there. Feel free to subsribe!


Hey there! I made a website for the albums that define my music taste. Click me to check it out!


Worker Solidarity, Pay Transparency, and Labor Rights

Although oftentimes overlooked, the world of research, academics, and non-profit jobs is no stranger to labor abuse and exploitation. Under a staggering power imbalance, the system is rigged against knowledge workers at the bottom of the hierarchy and sustained by an enormous number of professional–managerial class (PMC) people who intentionally sideline the labor struggle. Nowadays, the situation went from bad to worse due to the culture of "achievement society" that enables "auto-exploitation" and the illusive bait of "meritocracy", which is often only hereditary.


As a foreigner in this country, I have heard many horrifying stories from my peer international folks who are disproportionately exploited due to their legal status, nationality, and residency, along with other intersectional identities. It is my duty to protect people like us who are systematically gatekept from obtaining equal rights and at the same time targeted for power abuse for our vulnerability.

Building solidarity, e.g. unionization, is a time-tested way to counter exploitation. Transparency boosts trust and leads to solidarity. In this big wild world, this is the least I can do to fight with the leviathan of the system by promoting information transparency. I am glad to share my experiences or other bits of information I have learned along the way. Specifically, you are more than welcome to contact me to talk about pay, visa, and other related issues. If you have concerns about privacy, you can use any of the anonymous email services.

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